Mines faculty bring together classic talent


For years, Marie Hornickel has played piano and Rebecca Flintoff has played cello, and for years they have worked together as administrative faculty at Mines. On April 29, the duo showcased their skills and performed together in the library. 

Describing how she got started as a four year old, Flintoff stated, “I did Suzuki.” She further explained, “I started when I was pretty young… through college I was a music minor. I’ve just stayed active.” According to the concert program she earned a bachelor’s of arts from Kalamazoo College in Michigan. She then worked as a chemist for a little while, only to return to academia to study College Student Personnel at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. She has worked ten years in student affairs and is currently the director of Auxiliary Services and Housing at Mines. Musically, she has continued to be involved, performing with several groups including the Longmont Symphony Orchestra, Colorado Mahlerfest, and Ribbons and Strings Ensembles.

Hornickel, from Wisconsin, explained that she has played piano since she was in third grade. She further noted, “I just always enjoyed playing and I majored in it in college.” The concert program stated she received a bachelor’s degree in Music with an emphasis in piano from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. According to the program, “After graduating, she was appointed staff accompanist at Butler University in Indianapolis.” During that time she was also an assistant/accompanist and a pianist at a church. Her master’s degree came from “Minnesota State University-Mankato, in Counseling and College Student Personnel.” She now works at Mines as Associate Director of Student Activities for Campus Programs.

The first movements played by the duet were Antonio Vivaldi’s “Allegro,” “Largo,” and “Allegro from Sonata No. 3 in A Minor”. The afternoon of classical music continued with various pieces from Gabriel Fauré, Camille Saint-Saëns, Claude Debussy, and Aaron Minsky. The concert ended with a piece from “Suite from Appalachian Spring,” a Doppio movimento composed by Aaron Copland.

Students in attendance relaxed and enjoyed the classical arrangements performed by the two skilled musicians. “I thought the most beautiful song was the first,” said Nathan Harvey, a student in attendance, “but I thought the trucking in the South song was funny… it made me want to laugh.”


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