The Mines Career Fair proved to be another success and hundreds of students bustled in and out of the student recreation center to talk to hundreds of companies about internships and full-time jobs. Recruiters came from every corner of the country to take resumes from Mines students.
Although the Spring Career Fair was not as big as the one in Fall, opportunities abound. “Everyone is very motivated,” said one recruiter.
“It went good[a],” said Shane Johnson, an undergraduate who was looking for an internship. “This one was different. A lot more people were interested in talking to me. I feel better than any of the other years because of how nice people were and how interested they seemed.”
“Everyone was very interested, it wasn’t just like ‘Oh go apply online’,” added Michelle Rigsby, who was also in search of a summer internship.
The fact that Spring Fair is smaller than the Fall Fair makes the free giveaways not as extravagant, but this also means that students and alumni are more serious about getting a position. Companies who have not filled their spots are also more serious about snagging Mines students to work for them.
“Everybody seems excited, don’t they?” said Jean Manning-Clark, director of the Career Center at Mines. “I’ve heard from one of our recruiters that they went to one of the big schools in Texas, and they said that our Career Fair is so much better. They were amazed by the difference and they said they always can’t wait to get back here. Right now it’s tied for the largest Spring Career Fair.”
The recruiting is not over, however, as companies will be holding interview and information sessions in the coming weeks.