Denver Music Scene Review: New Leverage Latest Album Offers Dynamic Music

A band that has seemed to pop up frequently as of late in Denver’s Local Music scene is New Leverage. This band always seems to pop up playing with other local bands along with touring bands that need local openers, so it only seemed appropriate to check out their recordings.

The band has two releases, starting in 2014 with an interesting EP entitled “Basement Ghosts.” The album explores ideas of friendship, love and loneliness, with hints here and there of religion (or perhaps lack thereof). Lyrically, “Basement Ghosts” leaves plenty up to the listener’s interpretation.

Upon my second and third listens to this album, my takeaways were drastically different than my first. This is definitely an EP worth hearing more than once.

Where New Leverage really hits home is with their 2016 LP “Cycle Hum.” Complicated, powerful guitar along with gritty punk influenced vocals make this album worthwhile.

The varying timings and rhythms of the instrumentation accent the calm, quiet moments, contributing to the dynamic qualities in each song.

New Leverage also does a good job inviting a guest vocalist on the album. Elias Armao from Overslept sings the end of “Flux,” one of the best tracks “Cycle Hum” has to offer.

One of the few issues present in the album is the inconsistent production. Songs like “The Ones That Make Your Body Sink”, Cycle Hum’s one slow acoustic track, and “Tiny Separations” have a polished and refined quality whereas tracks like “Other People Aren’t Medicine” have a garage-band style production. Both songs sound good and have their place, but the differentiation takes away from the cohesiveness of the album.

New Leverage is definitely a local band that is worth going to see (especially since they often play with other awesome bands), so go and check out their music! You will be glad you did.

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