
Minds at Mines: Test superstitions and rituals

Among the most stressful activities at Mines are exams. For some exams studying makes all the difference, however, for others studying does not have much of an effect and most students tend to do poorly regardless of preparation. It is for the latter that extra steps must be taken. Any superstition or ritual that can help increase grades must be followed. This week, Minds at Mines asks, “What superstitions or rituals have you heard of or perform to improve grades on tests and assignments?”

Robby Gill
Every test freshman year, I would wear the same outfit. I never smelled pretty, but I never failed an exam.

Finn-Hovem Finn Hovem
I don’t know if you would call this superstition, but I always get good grades when I wear my lucky tighty-whities, one sock on my left food, and eat granola.

I always drink Mountain Dew before tests. During the test I chew gum. I call it “thinking gum.”

Scott-Von-Thun Scott Von Thun
An old Chinese proverb I once heard says, “The higher you are, the higher your score.”

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