After a summer of reality shows and reruns, TV networks are finally returning to their signature shows. This means new episodes of old favorites, as well as brand new ideas. This week, Minds at Mines asks, “What is your favorite new or returning TV show for the fall and why?”
I don’t have time to watch TV because I go to Mines. Chris Sanford |
“The Big Bang Theory” because I am cracking up the whole time. They are so funny. Elise Dugwyler |
“Fringe” because it is in its last season and I love weird sci-fi shows. Connor Rust |
“The Big Bang Theory” because I feel like I can relate to them. They motivate me to work harder in school to be like them. Katie Schumacher |
“How I Met Your Mother” because it is a show about real life and all the characters are hilarious. Taylor Goodrich |