Articles by Shannon Keohane

Invasion of the Burros

A new documentary directed by noted filmographer Michael Moore explores the infamous invasion of burros on the campus of Colorado School of Mines in the early 1900s. As the film recounts, the local burro population didn’t take lightly the use of their likeness by the school’s athletic department and thus the invasion began… It was…


Your Response Matters

Here are the basics:  Census results help determine how approximately $675 billion in annual federal funding are allocated to states and communities for education, health care, public infrastructure, research grants, federal employees, other social services, and more.  The results determine how many seats in Congress each state gets. As mandated by the U.S. Constitution in…

Overstressed and underslept

Besides a host of other symptoms, sleep deprivation can adversely affect your immune system. With national and international headlines of emerging flu strains, a coronavirus pandemic, and elections on the horizon, we are going to need all the immune strength we can muster. With an emphasis on sleep, here’s a ultra-quick list of tips to…


Nearing the Sesquicentennial

The Master Plan is a living document that allows meaningful expansion which retains Mines’ state as a leading environmental resource-focused research institution. As recently publicized, CSM will break ground on the Subsurface Frontiers building converging USGS scientists and Mines faculty and Staff preserving and continuing decades of collaboration between the organizations. In this way, our…


Filling a void

“The health of our civilization, the depth of our awareness about the underpinnings of our culture and our concern for the future can all be tested by how well we support our libraries.” —Carl Sagan Before we delve into the present or travel into the future of the Arthur Lakes Library, we will first explore…


Stop Remaking My Childhood

Movie remakes don’t merely give classic tales a contemporary face-lift, the millennial audience is exploited for its desire for nostalgia while a whole new generation of moviegoers fails to experience the authentic audio-visual assemblage that is the original film. If you are in the camp that believes watching said originals from home is passé why…

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