Monthly Archives: February 2012

Future of librarianship

“The easiest way for me to be proven wrong is to tell you what I think the future of librarianship will be,” said Carl Grant, a library management consultant. The profession of librarianship is on the decline and, according to the report “Perceptions of Libraries,” at the projected rate, libraries will not be used at all by the year 2035.

Prepare a great cover letter

Do you want to know why this upcoming Spring Career Day is on Valentine’s Day? It’s because all of these companies love Mines students! But even though they do love us, we need to tell them why. This is where the idea of a cover letter comes from. Lin Sherman from the Career Center discussed the idea that a cover letter is really a love letter to the company you are applying to. And surprisingly, this analogy holds fairly well.


How to stand out in 30 seconds or less

Preparing oneself for the insanity that is career fair is like planning a commercial for the Super Bowl. It may not cost millions of dollars to attend career day and talk to companies, but the stakes are just as high. As a student interviewer approaches a booth, he only has 20-30 seconds to impress the recruiter with his “pitch.” If he fails to do this, the recruiter will move on to the next person. With this in mind, Jean Manning-Clark of the CSM career center presented her ideas to help students be successful at career fair.


Minds at Mines: Valentine’s Day Candy

With Valentine’s day fast approaching, candy sales begin to skyrocket as the big day nears. From heart shaped boxes of chocolates to pink and red packaging, candy makers change their products in drastic ways for February 14. The seasonal availability of these candies makes them so much more delicious. To find out these favorites, Minds at Mines asks, “What is your favorite Valentine’s day candy and why?”

Grinds my gears: Lack of good cartoons

You know what really grinds my gears?

Where did all the good cartoons go? At a young age, I can remember cherishing the moment that I got to watch my daily “Winnie the Pooh” episode. Then, as I “matured,” I slowly moved into the modern cartoons like “Doug,” “Recess,” “Rugrats,” and “Animaniacs.” I even dabbled in some of the classics of yore, like “Tom & Jerry,” the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, and Looney Tunes. There was a ton of quality, family safe programming around and it was correlated with one of the largest economic expansions in United States history.

Music Review: The Head and the Heart

The Head and the Heart, a band whose journey to the top of the charts proves, even in a world where most people discover music online, hard work can still launch bands. The Head and the Heart signed with Sub Pop Records and, following in the footsteps of many of their pacific northwest predecessors, have been working a long time to see results. Before signing with Sub Pop, their debut album was self produced and sold by the band at concerts and a few local record stores.

Movie Review: Hell and Back Again

Bias, propaganda, and censorship normally fill modern documentary style movies. However, Danfung Dennis does not employ such tactics as he explains the soldier’s blight in Afghanistan. “Hell and Back Again,” the new documentary about the Afghanistan war follows one soldier on his deployment to Afghanistan. Instead of showing viewers the horrors of war with an antiwar bias, Dennis follows one soldier in his first few months of duty until his return to the US.


Geek of the Week: Carolyn Nichols, Junior, Civil

Some geeks are socially silent. They pass by a conversation unnoticed, leaving only a few dusty, orange Cheeto fingerprints stuck to any surface they touched. But there is another type of geek. These geeks will readily join in on any discussion about physics, Star Wars, or any other nerdy topic of interest. Some of these geeks even manage to find the courage to begin conversations with other people. But CSM junior Carolyn Nichols has taken this to a new level. She is the sort of geek who announces her presence with a loud squeal and a running tackle-hug. Apparently, this Civil Engineer didn’t get the memo that geeks do not know how to talk to people.


Faculty Spotlight: Craig Champlin

A professor with extensive knowledge and understanding in his or her chosen field is often held in high regard by peers. But without the ability to effectively and clearly communicate the subject material, even the most intelligent of professors can be of little use to his or her students. In this regard, Craig Champlin has a bit of an advantage. Champlin, in his second semester of teaching at Mines, has learned from prior industry experience how to effectively communicate new information to people with varying levels of experience.

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