Daily Archives: February 10, 2013

Letter to the Editor: 2/11/13

Perhaps you have heard the story about how to boil a frog without having him jump out of the pot. You just raise the temperature so slowly that he doesn’t get so agitated that he jumps out. Folks we are that frog and the pot that we getting heated in is our very own earth. If we don’t do more than we are now, we are going to get boiled! In spite of the small but vocal opposition say, there is no doubt that we, or rather the CO2 we emit in our energy systems, are the cause.


Gold Fields in Mali

Mines Alumnus Benjamin Teschner was featured in the Hennebach-MIPER guest lecture series with his presentation surrounding the effects of large-scale geologic exploration efforts in undeveloped areas of the world. MIPER, or Master of International Political Economy of Resources, is a Colorado of School of Mines exclusive degree, and this degree focuses on offering engineers and scientists specialized knowledge surrounding an intricate global economy.

Second annual GEE Panel talks multiple industries

Colorado School of Mines celebrated the second annual GEEE Industry Panel with an impressive industry representation in attendance. Companies such as Olsson Associates, CH2MHILL, ARCADIS, and Milender White Construction were invited to present their company mission statements and what they look for in job candidates. Students were able to ask these industry professionals specific questions regarding work environments, résumé refinements, and were even given the opportunity to network.

Discovering Internships and Co-ops

According to Debbie Behnfield, the recruitment coordinator at Mines’ Career Center, “When you graduate from Mines, 75% of… students who are getting their undergraduate degrees report that they have had technical experience in their major. That would include internships, co-ops, research, or other opportunities.” This trait benefits both graduates and their employers, as it provides students with experience beyond just classroom and theoretical knowledge about their chosen profession. There are many systems in place at Mines intended to help students find this highly sought-after technical experience.

Career Day tips

For students wanting to get an internship or full time job during the upcoming Career Day, the Colorado School of Mines Career Center offers a large amount of helpful advice. To get tips and advice for Career Day, “The Oredigger” talked with Jean Manning-Clark, the Director of the Mines Career Center and Employer Relations, to discuss Career Day.

Grind my gears: Northeast US

You know what really grinds my gears?
The Northeast United States.

Yes, I know it is an entire region, but there is enough of a uniform ideology up there that it warrants a complaint. First, they get a little bit of weather and the entire country has to shut down. You didn’t see the United States take a holiday when hurricane Ike and Rita hit Houston, the 4th largest city in the country.

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