Articles by Jacqueline Feuerborn


Summer Squash and Orange Muffins

When mothers drop their children off for a new year of school, they often leave behind vegetables in a futile attempt to get their kids to eat more healthily. Some vegetables, such as carrots or tomatoes, will be used pretty quickly. However, some vegetables no one knows what to do with. What if a summer squash gets left behind? This is a vegetable that no self-respecting college student even knows exists, so when they find one hanging out in the fridge, they wonder what to do with it. Some students may take that as a challenge to invent a delicious treat. One such invention is Summer Squash and Orange Muffins.


Book Review: The Ways of Kings

The novel “The Ways of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson is an incredible book worth picking up. It is a perfect book for anyone who loves a good fantasy book featuring well developed, complex characters and unpredictable plot lines. While the one thousand pages that make it up can seem a little daunting, the story makes it completely worth it. “The Way of Kings” is a complex book that just keeps throwing new twists in, just to keep readers interested.


Fantasia Chacos

With summer sneaking up on campus, more and more people are responding to the warm weather with attire that suits it. The most important thing to consider as the weather gets nicer and nicer is what shoes to wear. People have begun wandering campus in flip flops and sandals but perhaps the most exciting, Chacos.


Mysterious Pasta Stuff and Garlic Bread

Ever been hungry and not sure what to make? Well, this is the perfect recipe for that. Most of the ingredients for this recipe are easy to come by and it is possible they might already be in the kitchen. Unfortunately, because of the fact that it was entirely made up on the spot, there are no specific measurements for the ingredients. Each ingredient’s measurement should be taken with a grain of salt, but be careful to not add too much salt.

Club Spotlight: ETA (Equality Through Awareness)

Some of the clubs on campus have been here for longer than anyone can remember but there are also some newer ones that are popping up all of the time. One of these new clubs is ETA (Equality Through Awareness). They began in the early Fall so they are still completing their first year as a club on the Colorado School of Mines campus. ETA was created by a group of women in the Physics department. When the Oredigger talked to their new president, Libby Booton, about what ETA was she said, “ETA (Equality Through Awareness) is a group that focuses on promoting diversity in STEM fields, mainly Physics.” There are three main things that ETA does: discussion groups, speakers, and their mentoring program.


Intersection at 9th Street and Highway 6 Planning Meeting

Anyone who has crossed the intersection at 9th Street and Highway 6 will know what a hazard it is. Very few people know how to properly use the intersection and there are regularly accidents there. As a response to this, the City of Golden has decided to make some changes. This led to a meeting on Monday, April 14, 2014. People from all over Golden, but particularly from near 19th Street, gathered at the Fossil Trace Clubhouse to talk about the intersection.


The Host

The movie “The Host” is a movie adaptation of the book with the same title by Stephanie Meyer. Some people may question how anything created by the same woman that made the Twilight Saga can be good. Those people should be prepared to be surprised. “The Host” is a surprisingly good movie.

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