“Guardians of the Galaxy” takes a step away from the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Entertaining, humorous, with a surprising amount of heart, this movie is one wild ride. Written by James Gunn and Nicole Perlman, the first women to be given credit for working on a screenplay of a Marvel film, and directed by Gunn, “Guardians of the Galaxy” stars Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, and Dave Bautista. Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel voice the two main CGI characters, and arguably the most lovable two characters. Other well-known actors such as Lee Pace, Karen Gillan (Doctor Who), Benicio del Toro, and Stan Lee (in his usual brief cameo) help bring the movie to life. The storyline of a band of misfits coming together for the greater good is hardly original but “Guardians of the Galaxy” is fresh, exciting, and filled with charming characters who steal your heart.