Geek of the Week


Geek of the Week: Ryan Stewart

A true geek can be hard to define. Is it a person who cannot seem to understand social norms? Someone who wears thick glasses and actually knows where to get a pocket protector, or, perhaps, a person who just finds things that they love and stays really enthusiastic about those things. Well, the true definition is something that nerds can and will argue about for all eternity, but it is known that whether he is seen passionately discussing the latest Marvel affairs, developing his theatrical skills, or just hanging around and watching the Discovery Channel, senior Ryan Stewart definitely fits somebody’s definition of a geek.


Geek of the Week: Paris Spinelli

Many of the geeks at Mines prefer to focus their nerd energies on specific areas such as science, gaming, computers, science fiction, or any number of stereotypical nerdy engineering interests. However, the population at Mines is nothing if not diverse and it is not difficult to find a geek that both holds to and breaks the stereotypes with great enthusiasm. Enter Paris Spinelli, a Mines Renaissance man. He is a wordsmith and an outdoorsman who finds himself equally fascinated with both the works of Shakespeare and classical works of fiction as he is with inter-molecular reactions and the quantum realm.


Geek of the Week: Mykala Miller

Despite its relatively small size, the diverse population at Mines means there are plenty of people here who manage to defy geek conventions. However, there are still some students, like senior Mykala Miller, who appreciate what it means to be an old school nerd and to take on academic challenges like a double major, or spend more time reading alone than hanging out with other people. This week, Miller takes the time to remind Mines that the quiet geeks are still just as awesome as the ones who go sprinting across Kafadar, yelling at the top of their lungs and carrying Nerf guns or dodging slacklines.


Geek of the Week: Jacob Chadwick

College is undoubtedly a demanding time of life. As it is with many other demanding situations, some people make it through entirely on their own, but most people function far better with some kind of help. Senior Jacob Chadwick is one of those who understands this and will freely give help to others. He is often on the receiving end of some assistance himself, be it from the friends he has all over campus or the cup of coffee that rarely leaves his hand. The Oredigger found a few minutes of Jacob’s time amidst the busyness of Celebration of Mines.


Geek of the Week: Ben Johnson

Some students rush to get out of Mines as fast as possible, while other students choose to meander and take in everything they can possibly get from their education at Mines. Ben Johnson, a chemistry major, tends to fall into the latter category. When not hard at work with his endeavors to graduate, Johnson is gaming, discussing the various aspects of elements in culture, and occasionally, interviewing with the Oredigger newspaper.

Geek of the week: Athena Ryals

The geeks at Mines are as multifaceted as they are intelligent. Some geeks are as stereotypical as it gets, spending all of their time holed up in their rooms, gaming, studying, and hanging out on the internet. Many others, such as sophomore Athena Ryals, manage to balance the nerdy side of life with all sorts of hobbies. In between nerding out, dancing, and cracking jokes with friends, Ryals managed to find time to sit down and allow the Oredigger to interview that elusive species known as a Mines girl.


Creek of the Week: Clear Creek

Creeks are often wet, containing water and rocks. Sometimes even fish inhabit these flowing bodies of water. But far too often, no one takes the time to sit down and listen to the bubbling brooks and the whispers of the rolling waters, and understandably so. In fact, for the beginning portion of this interview, the answers were muffled in the passing of the crystal clear waves. After hours of patience and the careful placement of an ear, the secrets of Golden’s own Clear Creek were finally exposed. The murky fine grained sediments of confusion had settled to the bottom of understanding.


Geek of the week: Steven Kuhlmeier

Many geeks at Mines struggle and toil in their studies in the hopes that, one day, they will be able to graduate in one piece and leave to seek their fortunes out in the real world. Others, perhaps very wisely, decide that life outside of the school is not all it is cracked up to be and choose instead to jump back into the Mines graduate program. These students, like Steven Kuhlmeier, are not so different from the other geeks at this school. They are only really separated from the undergraduates by more experience, more stress, more debt, and more people who have no idea what anything they are studying actually means.


Geek of the week: Jesse Weaver

Understandably after a long day at school, most geeks do not want to even look at another equation until they finally have to break down and start their homework three hours before class starts. On the other hand, there are geeks who come home and immediately begin working on some extra-curricular project for their favorite subject. Enter Computer Science major Jesse Weaver, who loves to program in his down time and has equal parts blood, pixels, and midi-chlorians running through his veins.

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