Daily Archives: October 29, 2012

This Week in Colorado History: Demolition

“The Colorado Transcript” announced this week in 1910 that the Overland Hotel, once “one of the most famous of western hostelries” was to be demolished by its owner, Woodmen of the World, a fraternal organization similar to the Freemasons founded in Omaha, Nebraska in 1890. The Woodmen decided to take this as a first definite step towards the creation “of a permanent home for Golden camp.” Plans already existed for the camp, and the Woodmen were excited about the prospect. The “Transcript” intended to donate a brick wall to the effort.

The Stars above Mines: Life looks for Life

Humans look at the skies for many reasons. The skies are eternally beautiful no matter where on Earth they are viewed from and regardless of the season. There may be economic reasons as well; Earth is bound to run out of resources eventually and within reason, space can provide what is needed. There is a question that remains unanswerable that seems to have been implanted within the depths of society – “Does life exist beyond Earth?”


SHPE’s Noche inspires young students

The CSM Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) hosted the Noche de Ciencias event Saturday evening on October 27. Noche de Ciencias, or Night of Science, is an outreach event put on by SHPE chapters across the U.S. and caters to families of Hispanic background with children in elementary or middle school. The event seeks to reach families who might not be considering sending their kids to a prestigious college, especially a science and engineering school as Colorado School of Mines.

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