Articles by The Oredigger

The stars shine brightly above Mines, part 3

The night sky is one of the most amazing sights to behold, and we on Earth have an advantage over all of our terrestrial neighbors. Many billions of years ago, a fateful encounter with another planetoid stripped the primordial Earth of most of its crust along with some of its mantle. It would have been a truly enthralling sight, provided you weren’t actually on earth.


Back to the future

Can you imagine a world without computers? We are coming to a point in time, or have even surpassed it, where some of us may not know what to do with ourselves without a computer! Technology has advanced so much in so little time that there have been emerging students who have never heard of a floppy disk. A solution to this has managed to pop out of the woodwork in the past year or so. Somewhere between Einstein’s and the computer commons front desk sits a little museum of gadgets and gizmos for the world to gaze upon.

A/V club fills newly created gap in expertise

It’s not very often that a club at Mines has the potential to attract such a diverse set of interests, both artistic and technical. The Mines A/V Club offers just this opportunity. Just in its beginning stages, Dr. Christian Shorey serves as the brains behind the club and explains just what an audio/visual club really entails.

Dr. Shorey, an Earth and Environmental Systems lecturer, started creating audio podcasts with more in-depth versions of his lectures and covers more material than a 50 minute class period would allow. Shorey then expanded into video podcasts, and the idea for the club was born.


Career Day: Actions speak louder than words

There is an unwritten rule at Mines. Every time a distinguished figure addresses a group of Mines students, that figure is expected to spend at least one minute of that address heaping praise on the quality of Mines students. However, as the authors of a prominent game theory textbook so eloquently put it, talk is cheap, actions are a far better indication of intent and beliefs. Anyone can say good things about Mines students, so the real test is what actions are being taken by those in a position to act. That is, employers.

Are you up to the Cru challenge?

While most of the Mines campus was fast asleep Thursday night, one jolly band of hardy folk were making their way up the side of one of Colorado’s famous 14ers, Quandary Peak. Known as the CRU Challenge, this event takes place once a year about four weeks into the fall semester, and it attracts a unique group of people. The CRU Challenge consists of 40-50 Mines students driving up to one 14er late at night, climbing to its summit, and descending back to Golden by about 7:00 AM Friday to enjoy some hot, fresh pancakes.

Andrew Hanna with a map of mars topography

Mines embraces the mysteries of Martian tectonics

Earth, Energy, and the Environment, these are the main goals of the Colorado School of Mines. So, what was I doing sitting in a small office in the Green Center talking about Mars with one of the school’s leading planetary scientists? Jeff Andrews-Hanna is one of the leading experts in the fields of Martian tectonics and I found myself there to pick his mind about his current research into the formation of what could possibly be the largest impact crater in the observable solar system.

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